About Us

Welcome to
Charekha India

Since long back in the year 2001, the widespread use of chemicals and day to day increasing waste volumes of the world’s second largest population has drawn our attention towards the increasing heaps of garbage, discarded materials or throwaways. These increasing volumes of garbage in the cities and chemicals in the fields make us to think about minimizing and mitigating the problem of waste in scientific manner. Keeping in mind the above view we had started to serve the society organically with the help of a very important tool of organic waste management ie, Vermicomposting. With having an experience of about 20+ years we are the proud ‘PIONEERs” in the field of vermicomposting in our state, UTTARAKHAND. This journey has been started officially with the establishment of an NGO, “SHAPE” in the year 2002, and since then working continuously and untiringly in the field of sustainable agriculture and organic waste management; we are here with our startup “Charakha India (OPC) Private Limited, established in the year 2016.


Charekha India (OPC) Pvt. Ltd.

Charekha india (OPC) Pvt Ltd. is a private (one person company) company incorporated on 26th December 2016. It is classified as Non-government Company and is registered under startup scheme of government of India, at registered of companies, Uttarakhand.

It is emerging as one of the leading organic waste management company, vermi and other organic product manufacturer in Uttarakhand. The team of Charekha India is very experienced and involved in organic waste management through vermicomposting, since last 20 years. We, at our organization assist farmers, individuals, schools, colleges, institutes, Universities and organizations to transform their organic waste into high quality nutrient rich compost using earthworms. It’s a fantastic way to convert organic waste into something fantastic for our garden, crops, plants and for our health too.

We are based in Kotdwar, a small town of Uttarakhand, historically known as “Kanv Nagri” due to its relation with Maharishi Kanv, Shakuntala and King Dushyant. A place from where our country Bharat varsh got its name “BHARAT” after the name of King ‘Bharat’, son of Shakuntala and Dushyant.

Activities of Charekha India

Organic Waste Management

Organic Waste Management

Organic waste or green waste is organic material such as food, garden waste, kitchen waste, agriculture waste, dairy waste etc. It can also include animal and plant based material and degradable carbon such as paper, cardboard, and timber. Burying organic waste in landfills is a big problem and it’s not just because of the resources we lose, but when organic waste is dumped in landfills, it undergoes anaerobic decomposition and generates methane. When released into atmosphere, methane is 25 times more potent a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.

Organic waste management means proper collection of organic waste in an environment friendly and sustainable method. The aim of organic waste management is to minimize the environmental impact caused by organic waste going into landfills by re- using the valuable resource and turning it into quality compost for agriculture use. Organic waste management ensures proper disposal and no contaminant enter the soil or water.



Vermiculture is a scientific term that simply means ‘rearing of worms’ or ‘worm farming’. It is the practice of culturing earthworms either for selling them or to manufacture compost. It is the process of using worms to decompose organic waste turning it into a nutrient rich material capable of supplying necessary nutrients to help sustain plant growth. This method is simple, effective, convenient and noiseless.


Vermicomposting is a process or an effective tool, relies on earthworms and micro-organism to help stabilize active organic materials and convert them to a valuable soil amendment and source of plant nutrients. Upto 60% of what is discarded by people, communities and business entities and households are organic materials or organic waste which when discarded and get mixed with inorganic waste create a nuisance for waste management and be a cause for many types of health issues and hazards. Earthworms will consume most of these discarded organic materials as food preparation residuals and leftovers, scrap papers, animal manure, agricultural crop residues, organic byproducts from industries and yard trimmings etc and convert them into vermicompost. Vermicompost is an organic manure or bio-fertilizer produced as vermicast by earthworms feeding on organic waste material or plant residue. This compost is odorless, clean; contain adequate quantities of N, P, K and several micro-nutrients essential for plant growth. It is a preferred nutrient source for organic farming. It is ecofriendly, non-toxic, consumes low energy for composting and it is a recycled bio product. It enhances plant growth and suppresses plant disease and insect pest attack.



It is another product derived from the coelomic fluid of earthworms. It is a liquid extract produced from vermicompost in a medium where earthworms are richly populated. It comprises a massive decomposer, bacteria count, mucus, vitamins different bioavailable minerals, hormones, enzymes, different antimicrobial peptides etc. Vermiwash is very important in disease control, the mechanism of disease suppression and pest control and to enhance the productivity of the crops, the bioactive macro-molecules from the skin secretion of earthworms, coelomic fluid and mucus directly able to defend pathogenic soil microbes against the worm and thereby freed the environment from the disease. Earthworms establish symbiotic relations with microbes produce an essential product that supports the growth of plants and suppress plant root disease.

Compost tea/worm tea/

Compost tea/worm tea/
vermicompost tea (Liquid compost)

The vermicompost tea is a mixture of aerobic micro organism which is extracted from vermicompost is highly aerated water. The liquid contains beneficial bacteria and fungi which help to enrich the soil, which may be poor of microorganism in result of pesticides and inorganic fertilizer with these micro-organisms. These aerobic micro -organism are disease suppressive for plant. It is mostly noted that the leachate of vermicompost during vermicomposting process is not tea it is just vermicompost leachate and may contains significant amount of not decomposed organic material.