Compost Tea

Compost tea/worm tea/vermicompost tea
(Liquid compost):

The vermicompost tea is a mixture of aerobic microorganismwhich is extracted from vermicompost is highly aerated water. The liquid contains beneficial bacteria and fungi which help to enrich the soil, which may be poor of microorganism in result of pesticides and inorganic fertilizer with these micro-organisms. These aerobic micro -organism are disease suppressive for plant. It is mostly noted that the leachate of vermicompost during vermicomposting process is not tea it is just vermicompost leachate and may contains significant amount of not decomposed organic material.

Compost Tea

Application of compost tea

Compost tea can be applied to various kinds of plants not only for fertilizing but also for protection of plants against disease and pests. It is commonly applied by spraying onto both sides of plants leaves and stalk and drenching into the root zone and used as root dip for bare root. It can be applied at anytime, but it’s better to avoid times with intense sunlight.